Posts Tagged ‘amazon’

flash! ugh?!

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009
yes, a viking that helps you shop

yes, a viking that helps you shop

Some few years ago, I had a D&D character named spackthar.  He ruled.  For some reason I thought it a good idea to buy a series of domain names based on the *thar theme.

  • blogthar – an awesome blogging site blogthar_logo_174x791
  • songthar – an awesome lyrics sitesongthar_logo_174x791
  • botthar – an mmo helper site
  • guildthar – an  mmo helper site that specifically helps with guilds
  • shopthar – arbitrary shopping engine

followed.  I have let most of them expire by now, but I just can’t shake loose of the shopping stuff.  Lately I have switched my efforts from holaservers back to shopping.  A few years ago I went to an amazon affiliate talk at oscon and kind of caught the vision.  I implemented the affiliate api in good old perl, and generated a few million static html pages.  I uploaded them to a variety of sites (including some of the thars above), and somehow I started selling stuff.  I started to get a thousand page views a day, and a like fifty percent traffic boost each month.  Then, I think I pushed it too far, or my ip changed, or something and I went (I think literally overnight) to like a hundred page views a day.  My sales fell off to nearly nothing, but not to nothing.  I still made like a hundred dollars a month, which was pretty cool.

Then I had a vision, and got some help.  And maybe I had the vision even when I was doing the static html, but I wanted to build an arbitrary shopping engine.  Filter on whatever you wanted and help you find the best products.  Eventually I got a little help, dove in and we made the startings of a pretty cool site.  We were using the YUI! stuff and life was good.  We started to run into some browser compatibility issues and I thought it a great idea to switch to flex.  We had made pretty everything available via a web service so I found a guy that knew flex and he just wrote around the extant web service and there we go.  Or went.  Traffic dropped to nearly nothing, or actually nothing.  Sales followed a similar trend.  There may have been a few reasons, like trying to do a little google dance, and having lame urls, but wow, talk about effort disincentive.

Lately I have decided to give it a go again.  I have implemented some sitemaps and then rewrote them to prettier urls.  I even changed the webservice so that the flex points to the pretty urls.  I have been keeping an eye on my bot traffic and it looks like something may be happening

| count(*) | date        | user_agent                                                                                 |

|       68 | 2009-01-24 | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +                   |
|      674 | 2009-01-25 | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +                   |
|      722 | 2009-01-26 | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +                   |
|       30 | 2009-01-27 | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +                   |

Those are some hits WHERE request_uri LIKE ‘/cgi/shop/product?asin=%’.  Maybe if they can get indexed well, then some real traffic will start to return.  I have also tried to have pages appear on only two domains, which is a whole lot less than the dozen or so I used to do.  A site like computercomparer has computer stuff, and then shopthar has pretty well everything.  Nothing yet, but I am still hopeful.

It is still a little rough, but if you’re looking for a computer, or a harddrive or the like, give it a go.  Even if you don’t buy I would love to start getting feedback on the forums or directly (feedback @



rewriting my history

Sunday, January 18th, 2009

Recently I got this page working

It builds a dynamic sitemap along the lines of what I did for holaservers.  I query the database and find all the categories and products for the site.  So that happened a week or so ago.  Today I changed the product links to hopefully be more google friendly.

Before looked like this

After looks like this

A couple I hope improvements to point out

  1. the before link is tied to my internal product id, so if I have to recreate my database, the links are hosed.
  2. the after link is tied to amazon’s asin
  3. some title text shows up in the link
  4. kind of a funny picture on the product
  5. I am actually, a relatively new dad; perhaps I should order the book
  6. that link was just the first one on my sitemap
  7. not sure why that book is in my computer category hierarchy, but there you go

Another point is that even though I plan to add more affiliates, which wouldn’t be asin based, I decided to be a little agile, and just write to what I’ve got.  I also think that once I add say, most of the stuff will likely be sold at amazon and have an asin.  Guess I need to think of a way to handle things at buy or newegg but not at amazon.  But not much more tonight.

And yes, I use mod_rewrite to go from my after link to something a little more server-friendly.



where is my van?

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

(originally posted September 16th, 2008)

So, after my awesome marketing, I actually got some few signups.  And sadly, though perhaps not too surprisingly, most all the signups are spammers.  Looking like rather dumb linker sites, and some auto-redirect sites.  I nearly linked to them, but there you go.  Think I will block with rather extreme prejudice.  By email, by ip, each site for the offending user, etc.

I used to fight against such things at freeservers.  Sounds like I need to write a script or two that can detect problems and block offending sites.  Not really what I want to be working on, but I sure don’t want to pay for folks to peddle their spammy sites.

Finding offensive javascript is one thing, but I am thinking that for offensive images maybe I will use amazon’s mechanical turk for such things.  In order to get my feet wet, I have the following HIT (Human Intelligence Tasks) currently live

In English, please type in your favorite clean joke. Jokes that aren’t clean will not be accepted. You are welcome to provide an explanation for why you like your joke so much.
For a nickle a joke, it has been fun to watch.  Think my favorite weird response has been
There was one litle man whit his van and wherever he goes he say i am a litlle man this is my van and he robs a Bank.After 20 states finally he come’s in Bosnia and say i am a litlle man where is my van. I am from Bosnia and Hercegovina and this joke is one of many about bosnian people I had to change the joke a litlle bit to write in english but it didn’t lose his charm. I like this joke because most people Bosnian people survived everything and they are clever and most of them thives.
And the joke I will most likely keep repeating?
Q: What is brown and sticky?
A: a stick

head in the clouds

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

(originally posted September 16th, 2008)

Recently I went to an amazon web service thing up in salt lake.  Turns out the cloud (they say) is all the rage.  Folks doing pretty well everything in the cloud.  I recently moved the start of holaservers to google app engine.  Here is a before pic

Pretty well every non-S3 thing was a single point of failure.

And now

So, for a bit of work, I have a highly available front page.  And for some reason, it is free until I start getting like five million hits a month.  Yeah, not really bumping up to that.

At the aws thing, I learned that I could do all my holaservers stuff in their cloud.  Didn’t really think I could do ftp or kind of hard web serving via my own custom apache, but yeah, can totally do both.  Sounds like EC2 can pretty well just give me a virtual opensolaris box.  I am kind of tempted to start moving stuff on over.  Besides a pretty big aws learning curve, and quite a bit of work, I would have to start putting out $72 a month, which won’t really be happening till I make some money or become a startup finalist.  Think I find out on October 3rd.


a little marketing music

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

(originally posted September 8th, 2008)

Well, am finally going to give it a little bit of a go.  I just posted HolaServers to the Google App Engine Gallery, and you can hopefully see me here.  Wonder if I will get my first real signup based from it.  I have analytics going (actually just added a couple more pages), so I should hopefully be able to measure the deluge pretty well.  Also have the whole every hit goes into mysql going, so we shall see.  I am afraid of spammers or inappropriate contenters, but there you go.

I also entered the Amazon Startup Challenge for HolaServers and good old LogHelper, which it turns out, I haven’t blogged about.  Well, won’t that be an awesome entry.  I figure I have a decent shot at making the finals, which would mean at least $5000 in amazon aws credits.  That would turn out the be real money, since I will be paying out of pocket for S3 as I am getting started.  Also, I would quite like to have my mysql hosted on say EC2, which it looks like is getting more doable daily.  Not sure how they ensure that your mysql daemon stays up.  To do such a thing directly with amazon is like $72 / month (ten cents / hour * 24 hours / day * 30 days / month).  Not too bad once I am getting upgrades, but to start, I think it rather prohibitive.  My co-lo is only like $100 per month and that’s for 2U of servers.  Winning the contest and getting 50k in cash and 50k in credits would also be cool.

So lately I have been trying to get the styles to line up a bit better and though I am not all done, I would feel pretty hopeless without good old firebug.  With firebug you can mouse through the dom and the browser highlights what you’re over.  Also, coming from a guy who used to make a living reading some not so good perl, css is a bit hard to read / follow.  Guess I would get better at such things, but I am not there yet.

Are the next generations of designers going to be great at design, html / css, javascript, templates and the like?  Can someone point me in the direction of some such person?  I would really like to be able to set someone up with eclipse, python and getting holaservers working on their laptop, have the mythical designer edit the templates and commit them when they’re done.  Is that so wrong?

