Posts Tagged ‘mechanical turk’

where is my van?

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

(originally posted September 16th, 2008)

So, after my awesome marketing, I actually got some few signups.  And sadly, though perhaps not too surprisingly, most all the signups are spammers.  Looking like rather dumb linker sites, and some auto-redirect sites.  I nearly linked to them, but there you go.  Think I will block with rather extreme prejudice.  By email, by ip, each site for the offending user, etc.

I used to fight against such things at freeservers.  Sounds like I need to write a script or two that can detect problems and block offending sites.  Not really what I want to be working on, but I sure don’t want to pay for folks to peddle their spammy sites.

Finding offensive javascript is one thing, but I am thinking that for offensive images maybe I will use amazon’s mechanical turk for such things.  In order to get my feet wet, I have the following HIT (Human Intelligence Tasks) currently live

In English, please type in your favorite clean joke. Jokes that aren’t clean will not be accepted. You are welcome to provide an explanation for why you like your joke so much.
For a nickle a joke, it has been fun to watch.  Think my favorite weird response has been
There was one litle man whit his van and wherever he goes he say i am a litlle man this is my van and he robs a Bank.After 20 states finally he come’s in Bosnia and say i am a litlle man where is my van. I am from Bosnia and Hercegovina and this joke is one of many about bosnian people I had to change the joke a litlle bit to write in english but it didn’t lose his charm. I like this joke because most people Bosnian people survived everything and they are clever and most of them thives.
And the joke I will most likely keep repeating?
Q: What is brown and sticky?
A: a stick