(originally posted September 16th, 2008)
So, after my awesome marketing, I actually got some few signups. And sadly, though perhaps not too surprisingly, most all the signups are spammers. Looking like rather dumb linker sites, and some auto-redirect sites. I nearly linked to them, but there you go. Think I will block with rather extreme prejudice. By email, by ip, each site for the offending user, etc.
I used to fight against such things at freeservers. Sounds like I need to write a script or two that can detect problems and block offending sites. Not really what I want to be working on, but I sure don’t want to pay for folks to peddle their spammy sites.
Finding offensive javascript is one thing, but I am thinking that for offensive images maybe I will use amazon’s mechanical turk for such things. In order to get my feet wet, I have the following HIT (Human Intelligence Tasks) currently live