Posts Tagged ‘shopthar’

flash! ugh?!

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009
yes, a viking that helps you shop

yes, a viking that helps you shop

Some few years ago, I had a D&D character named spackthar.  He ruled.  For some reason I thought it a good idea to buy a series of domain names based on the *thar theme.

  • blogthar – an awesome blogging site blogthar_logo_174x791
  • songthar – an awesome lyrics sitesongthar_logo_174x791
  • botthar – an mmo helper site
  • guildthar – an  mmo helper site that specifically helps with guilds
  • shopthar – arbitrary shopping engine

followed.  I have let most of them expire by now, but I just can’t shake loose of the shopping stuff.  Lately I have switched my efforts from holaservers back to shopping.  A few years ago I went to an amazon affiliate talk at oscon and kind of caught the vision.  I implemented the affiliate api in good old perl, and generated a few million static html pages.  I uploaded them to a variety of sites (including some of the thars above), and somehow I started selling stuff.  I started to get a thousand page views a day, and a like fifty percent traffic boost each month.  Then, I think I pushed it too far, or my ip changed, or something and I went (I think literally overnight) to like a hundred page views a day.  My sales fell off to nearly nothing, but not to nothing.  I still made like a hundred dollars a month, which was pretty cool.

Then I had a vision, and got some help.  And maybe I had the vision even when I was doing the static html, but I wanted to build an arbitrary shopping engine.  Filter on whatever you wanted and help you find the best products.  Eventually I got a little help, dove in and we made the startings of a pretty cool site.  We were using the YUI! stuff and life was good.  We started to run into some browser compatibility issues and I thought it a great idea to switch to flex.  We had made pretty everything available via a web service so I found a guy that knew flex and he just wrote around the extant web service and there we go.  Or went.  Traffic dropped to nearly nothing, or actually nothing.  Sales followed a similar trend.  There may have been a few reasons, like trying to do a little google dance, and having lame urls, but wow, talk about effort disincentive.

Lately I have decided to give it a go again.  I have implemented some sitemaps and then rewrote them to prettier urls.  I even changed the webservice so that the flex points to the pretty urls.  I have been keeping an eye on my bot traffic and it looks like something may be happening

| count(*) | date        | user_agent                                                                                 |

|       68 | 2009-01-24 | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +                   |
|      674 | 2009-01-25 | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +                   |
|      722 | 2009-01-26 | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +                   |
|       30 | 2009-01-27 | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +                   |

Those are some hits WHERE request_uri LIKE ‘/cgi/shop/product?asin=%’.  Maybe if they can get indexed well, then some real traffic will start to return.  I have also tried to have pages appear on only two domains, which is a whole lot less than the dozen or so I used to do.  A site like computercomparer has computer stuff, and then shopthar has pretty well everything.  Nothing yet, but I am still hopeful.

It is still a little rough, but if you’re looking for a computer, or a harddrive or the like, give it a go.  Even if you don’t buy I would love to start getting feedback on the forums or directly (feedback @

