who reads the newspaper?

July 16th, 2008

According to the Daily Herald today, lots of folks.  And not just old people either!

Last week I got called concerning the marketing practices of Spack, Inc.  Big tipoff should have been my answer to their question “Is your marketing budget more or less than $15,000?”  “Less.”  Somehow, I still managed to get the invite to come and hear their presentation, and today was the day.

For a few select local businesses, like Spack, Inc., the Daily Herald is offering a limited time deal, whereby you can get a couple ads a week for $149.  I was kind of thinking the number would be like $50 a month.  Turns out that it is a heck of a deal, since normally a single ad is like $400.  Who knew?

  1. it is possible to actually advertise in a newspaper
  2. the rates are apparently outside the current $0 guerrilla marketing budget of  Spack, Inc

I am of course, a bit torn over marketing generally.  If those marketers are so smart, why aren’t they programmers?  I guess people are all smart in different ways, but there you go.  Kind of one of those things that I figure will just take care of itself, but it sure isn’t for dear holaservers.com.

The details might be a little foggy, but in a former life we did something like an eight-way split concerning our new blogging software.  To find the data for the eight ways was a little rough.  I think some required parsing logs, some required writing scripts, I think all required writing queries, and pretty well all required work.  Testing the eight ways was pretty well as bad as generating them.  In the end I believe we made $0 off the send.  Tens of hours of work for several folks including me, one of my high priced engineers, the director of product management, I think a design guy, a content guy and a tester.  For yeah, $0.  It may be that in the end we grossed $100 off the send, but I don’t think that even paid for me.

So, my point?  Don’t do anything?  Well, no, that’s really my point.  Tell the future?  Yeah, that might kind of be my point.  At least tell the future on the effort and then make decisions accordingly.

It seems like we had at least a mailing or two that had like a million sends and no conversions.  Keep it up!  We also had billing reminder notices, that were a fair amount of work to get going that led to folks cancelling their accounts.  I think that is part of just honest business practices though, so I am ok with that.

I imagine more tales of marketing woes will follow as I have a marketing spend 🙂

Almost forgot my favorite question of the day, something like, “I should know this, but what does Spack, Inc. do?”

And why the heck does marketing only have one t?




July 10th, 2008

I have recently been trying to write some faqs over at faq.holaservers.com. Kind of hard going a little. I used good old SimpleScripts to do a one-click install of phpMyFAQ, and have started to walk through some holaservers things. Things like how to get going, adding domains, upgrading; you know, the basics. Just wondering how much it will all really help. Currently at work, we spell things out pretty well, our users read none of it and ask things that are covered in the text. How awesome is that?

My quintessential story here is a friend’s grandmother-in-law that was stuck on a computer problem, where a dialog said something like “Click next to continue,” under which was a button marked next. “I have no idea what to do.” “Did you try clicking next?” “No, I don’t understand computers.”

Perhaps not that bad, but along those lines.

Can’t help but think how cool holaservers is gonna be once it gets up and running. Just need a little seed darn it. Really felt held back by the following

  • copy throughout the site – meeting a writer-friend for lunch tomorrow that will hopefully help me out, though I just heard (like ten minutes ago) that he just signed a book deal, so maybe he’s not quite as hungry as he once was
  • design throughout the site – I like what is there now, but I don’t feel like I really own it, and the icons are from another site. Designers have sure been flaky for me, but that is another post
  • signup referral points process – really trying to figure out a simple way to folks email their friends, etc, likely using some plaxo plugin and their own personal email service, like yahoo! mail. if they will send the email instead of me, I think holaservers just explodes. otherwise? yeah, I have my doubts. for whatever reason, I can’t bring myself to sit down and walk through the process

Got a couple leads on designers, and I guess we’ll see how that goes.



more linker points stuff

June 10th, 2008

Well, I have actually tried to work a bit of late.  I got a little better version of my crawler working.  I also started to tie into this cool (I think) thing I did awhile back called MyUrl.  For your given site, you just set up a conf file with some linking phrase on each line.  MyUrl then gives you a random one each time.  Just a way to mix things up a bit.  Tonight I tied in MyUrl with the linker stuff, so that when I give users options of what to link with, it swaps in my random link text.  Really have no idea if it will make a difference, but it can’t really make things much worse can it?

Kind of funny that somethings on good old holaservers I have been very careful with.  Like trying to make sure that file serving scales VERY well.  Other things, I just kind of throw out there, like this crawler stuff.  Would pretty well fall apart as soon as folks really started using it, but I have been thinking that’s a good problem to have.

I feel like I am getting closer to feeling comfortable showing up in say the Amazon newsletter.  Maybe I should start doing a little marketing so that I don’t need to see that darn 8 verified users on the front page anymore.



May 6th, 2008

Well, tonight I spent a few minutes so that in the logged-in area, you can designate a linker_site, which is a site that will eventually have a link to a spack site.  I got the linker_sites into mysql, and added a linker_crawl_history table, though I am not actually crawling.  Of course, it is my crappy looking html.  Yet another thing to be fixed later 🙂

For some reason, the linker_sites seem much less flaky than me trying to get someone to email their friends.  Guess we’ll see what folks do more.


a little sitemap payoff

May 6th, 2008

Click here to see good old earl.holaservers.com in google, and here for Yahoo!

Now I just need to add some nice link backs for like a million legit sites and I bet I would be doing pretty well 🙂


(some) bots welcome

May 3rd, 2008

Recently, I started playing with sitemaps. I even got a nice cron to help out. Today, I thought I would take a look and see if anyone had crawled one of the domains, say, earl.holaservers.com, and the some of the results (with a friendlier format) are in

| count(*) | domain | user_agent |
| 3 | earl.holaservers.com | . . . Baiduspider . . . spider_jp.html |
| 3 | earl.holaservers.com | ia_archiver |
| 4 | earl.holaservers.com | . . . Yahoo! Slurp |
| 14 | earl.holaservers.com | . . . Googlebot |

So it looks like I got crawled by

  1. the good old baidu spider who only hit my robots.txt file. Guess the japanese folks aren’t real interested in my test and rather random ftp’d files.
  2. ia_archiver, who looks to be alexa, though I am not sure where they came from
  3. our dear friend googlebot (welcome!) – who actually got a few pages
  4. yahoo! – just got robots.txt and sitemap.xml
  5. a couple other folks (not listed) just getting sitemap.xml

Looks like the bots came like 1-3 days after the pings got sent. Also looks like to pings were sent after the first day. Hmm, very strange since I have been uploading files here and there. At least one, I think. Well, this helped me track down a bug, where if you re-put a file, the timestamp wouldn’t change, and so the pinger wouldn’t find your latest. Think I fixed that, though I will tell you better in a couple days.

I think the above results rather telling. I pinged several search engines all about some random site that they had never heard of, and got rather different results from each, including crickets. Makes me wonder where the other guys are. Like ask.com? Seems like they were trying to make a run at google? Guess more like a run at baidu!

And yahoo!? Wonder why you can’t catch up? Well, might want to start by following the whole sitemap.

Moreover.com? Who are you and why don’t you come and visit?

Did I mention that it is pretty cool have traffic show up in mysql? Kind of reliant on mysql a bit, but hey, it stays up, and when my one server can’t handle traffic, I think that will be a good problem to have.



ajax smooths the edges

April 30th, 2008

Sometime ago I decided that I wanted to do some web stuff that was user based, where you could sign up with just an email and password, and if you were new to the site, you would have to agree to terms.  This would make it so that the signup form and the login form could be nearly identical.  All the same except that darn agree to terms checkbox.

Tonight, I made the form on the front page of hs a little smarter and ajax, as above, smoothed the edges.  I used to do some javascript validation for the iagree checkbox, but I got rid of that, and via ajax I submit the username and password.  There are three cases

  1. username is taken, password is right – ding!  let’s send back an auth, and who cares if they clicked iagree
  2. username is taken, password is wrong – get a wrong password error
  3. username is available, but did not agree to terms – get a javascript alert saying you have to agree

It is all pretty well seamless, and right now it is sure darn quick, so there you go.  New or old can login / register via the front page and would not likely realize all the coolness that had just happened.

all cron’d up . . .

April 30th, 2008

Well, here’s the long and short of my work tonight

mysql> select * from sitemap_ping;
| domain_id | search_engine | status | timestamp |
| 3 | Ask.com | 200 | 2008-04-30 00:15:01 |
| 3 | Google | 200 | 2008-04-30 00:15:01 |
| 3 | Live Search | 200 | 2008-04-30 00:15:01 |
| 3 | Moreover.com | 200 | 2008-04-30 00:15:02 |
| 3 | Yahoo! | 200 | 2008-04-30 00:15:02 |
. . .

Views helped quite a bit. I made two.

  1. latest_modification – gets the domain_id and the latest timestamp for each domain
  2. latest_sitemap_ping – get the domain_id and the timestamp of the latest sitemap_ping for each domain

Using those two views, I ping for

  1. every domain that has a latest_modification but that hasn’t ever been pinged
  2. every domain where the last modified is more recent than the last ping

Thinking I could combine the two queries, but for now, I am satisfied. I just wiped my traffic_log, so we’ll have to see if like moreover.com starts hitting me.

Not sure how expensive those queries get with like a million rows, but other than that, I am pretty well done with sitemap stuff. I am still unsure if it will do anything, i.e., will google (WLOG) come and spider as per the sitemap if I haven’t registered the domain with their webmaster tools? Guess we shall soon see.




April 29th, 2008

Not sure if it will really work, like help pagerank and the like, but I am going to try doing some nice automated sitemaps. Kind of nice having stuff in a database. Tonight I got stuff working without cache, like


I haven’t tested it, but if you uploaded your own sitemap, it would win. Also,


Gotta love wikipedia, and I plan on getting some ping stuff working later this week.

Perhaps it goes without saying, but those two files are both completely virtual.  So the plan would be to query daily, ping things that have changed, then sit back and watch the page rank go up.  Will be especially nice if folks start transferring domains in, and I add a nice link back.

So cool! (I think)

How the heck did it get to be like 12:30?



selenium rulz!, also blog != wiki

April 26th, 2008


I am going to take the second part first. For me, right now, today, blogs (at least this one) are not nearly as cool as wikis. I keep a nice password protected wiki, where I track spack++ stuff. The fact that I am writing a blog now makes me think that I can take the password protection off, but there you go. I started my wiki back when a friend and I were kind of in stealth mode on some shopping stuff, but I think that nearly everything we were working on is now live. I think holaservers is gonna be awesome, but the linking from the points that I described before could make shopthar stuff explode.

Yesterday, I spent a good hour writing the post I am about to rewrite. WordPress has drafts and saves them as you go along, but so far as I can tell, once you publish, your drafts go away. I was all done with a, for me, pretty rocking post when I noticed the formatting was off. I went in, changed the formatting, clicked I think Save and only my last paragraph remained. After some searching, including getting google desktop going on my computer, I couldn’t find my post. Gone. Such things used to happen in a non-AJAX world, but now? Why? Why not take snapshots as folks are editing, and anything with a different md5 gets a different entry that you keep pretty well forever. Oh, already “published”? Who cares? Keep it around. Generally, we’re talking about text. Yeah, text. Can store a gig of it for fifteen cents a month at amazon.  That’s a lot of blog posts.  Or if my Google Apps request goes through, I could store 500 megs of it for free. Text! Who cares? Keep a snapshot per minute. If I run out of space, let me delete some drafts. How much time do folks spend editing their blog posts? Actually making changes? I used to write emails with something like EditPadPro open and paste my email in their every so often. I guess those days are back.

PbWiki on the other hand I think does just what I would like. Keep version as I go, let me compare them and roll back to them.


Turns out selenium rulz! Did I mention that I pretty well hate retyping stuff. I feel like I am being a little insincere since I have already written the stuff. Occasionally I have to do it with code and it just kind of irks me. I will now try to really end my rant.

Some few years ago, I took a “vacation” from work to go in to work and work on HTTP::Slap. HTTP::Slap aimed to walk web pages, helping me log into espn and the like. Was pretty into espn’s baseball challenge and needed some help with automated team changes. I got HTTP::Slap to the point where I accept and post back cookies, submit hidden tags from the forms I was posting, post via https, etc. A year or two later, I discovered WWW::Mechanize and don’t think I ever worked on HTTP::Slap again. Guess I should have looked around a bit. Live and learn.

Just a couple years ago, I went to OSCON and heard a talk about selenium. For whatever reason, I didn’t think it was worth pursuing. Yesterday when reviewing the slides I can’t really see what voter feature I was waiting for, but there you go.

Just last week, a coworker, who I think likes to remain off the grid was trying out some holaservers stuff and it didn’t work in ie. “That’s weird”, I thought. Especially since I had made nearly no effort to get it all to work in ie, and I had had ie compatibility problems in the past. I have desire for holaservers to work in ie, but not much desire to test every javascripty thing in both firefox (where I develop) and ie (what people use). I remembered selenium and decided to have a look. At the end of the first night, I had some basic crawling working. I started by exporting an html page from the fine selenium IDE, would parse the html in perl and then pass the commands over to WWW::Selenium (which I think should be version 1.15 as there is a 1.14). I liked walking through a path with the IDE, but figured that I would want to do unit tests in perl. Eventually I just did everything in perl. I started to use EPIC, a perl plugin for eclipse and could just debug through, which was pretty well just as good. Little shout out to EPIC. One of my favorite features of eclipse is being able to hit <ctrl>-<shift>-f and apply some formatting rules. If you have perltidy installed, EPIC will do that for you as well.

After a bit of work, I can walk through my site using selenium, and I got things working in ie, firefox, opera and safari. Just had a few issues.

  1. Cross site scripting strikes again. I had been blogging about it back in the day, I could have written about using mod_rewrite to overcome some cross site problems. See, my stuff starts on holaservers.com and goes to my.holaservers.com; cross site scripting shall we say. I divided my script into pre-login and post-login chunks and launched separate browsers for each.
  2. During login, I bounce, via javascript, with an auth in the query string. To have my perl script mimic this behavior, I need that bounce url. I set a cookie (selenium=1) and if I have that cookie, I alert the url, which selenium then grabs and bounces to. Works like a champ. Hopefully no users will ever see it.
  3. Think the main cross browser problem I had came from me using my own naive implementation of ajax. If you look, I don’t really do much, but for some reason, ie wouldn’t get my callbacks. I switched over to the YUI implementation and everything started working. I think I wrote mine before yui was around, or at least before I had heard of it, but again, live and learn.
  4. Safari for windows is slow. The other browsers would run the tests (which as above, launches a browser twice) in about 30 seconds. Safari on three runs did 108, timeout exceeded and 111 seconds. Pretty good for the world’s fastest browser.

I posted my test script here, and for some reason, the formatting got hosed, darn it. I even went through and fixed it, though to no avail.

