
Not sure if it will really work, like help pagerank and the like, but I am going to try doing some nice automated sitemaps. Kind of nice having stuff in a database. Tonight I got stuff working without cache, like

I haven’t tested it, but if you uploaded your own sitemap, it would win. Also,

Gotta love wikipedia, and I plan on getting some ping stuff working later this week.

Perhaps it goes without saying, but those two files are both completely virtual.  So the plan would be to query daily, ping things that have changed, then sit back and watch the page rank go up.  Will be especially nice if folks start transferring domains in, and I add a nice link back.

So cool! (I think)

How the heck did it get to be like 12:30?



2 Responses to “sitemaps”

  1. […] a world where I have a couple million websites and since they are largely indexed, I would potentially have millions of links to cool sites like computercomparer and […]

  2. […] builds a dynamic sitemap along the lines of what I did for holaservers.  I query the database and find all the categories and products for the site.  So that happened a […]

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