more linker points stuff

Well, I have actually tried to work a bit of late.  I got a little better version of my crawler working.  I also started to tie into this cool (I think) thing I did awhile back called MyUrl.  For your given site, you just set up a conf file with some linking phrase on each line.  MyUrl then gives you a random one each time.  Just a way to mix things up a bit.  Tonight I tied in MyUrl with the linker stuff, so that when I give users options of what to link with, it swaps in my random link text.  Really have no idea if it will make a difference, but it can’t really make things much worse can it?

Kind of funny that somethings on good old holaservers I have been very careful with.  Like trying to make sure that file serving scales VERY well.  Other things, I just kind of throw out there, like this crawler stuff.  Would pretty well fall apart as soon as folks really started using it, but I have been thinking that’s a good problem to have.

I feel like I am getting closer to feeling comfortable showing up in say the Amazon newsletter.  Maybe I should start doing a little marketing so that I don’t need to see that darn 8 verified users on the front page anymore.


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