look out google!

For ages I have been meaning to add some sort of search to mycomparer.  Well, we’re live!  I spent may four hours total on it over two nights, and implemented the following features

  1. walk through each word in the query and search categories and += matching categories
  2. walk through each word in the query and check against upcs
  3. walk through each word in the query and check against affiliate ids, like searching by asin
  4. good old full text search via mysql

I did the first three the first night, and started the full text search.  Here’s what I had to do.

  • Create a table
    • CREATE TABLE sh_product_my_text (
      product_id INT NOT NULL,
      FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES sh_product(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
      my_text TEXT NOT NULL,
      ) ENGINE=’MYISAM’;
  • then in my shopping db population process, I populated the table with some product stuff
  • I change a query like “computers netbook -wireless” to “+computers +netbook -wireless”
  • the above ends up in ? for
    • SELECT product_id FROM sh_product_my_text WHERE MATCH(my_text) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE) limit 20;
  • also added–key_buffer_size=1024M to my mysql config.  pretty terrible before this change, pretty good after

Course, I implemented it as a service and tie into the service via my Template::Plugin::WebService with code that looks like

[% USE web_service = WebService %]
[% search_ref = web_service.webservice_call(‘/api/shop/search’, form) %]

Can’t tell you how cool I think that is.  If I decide to serve straight from flex or something, then it is pretty well no code change.

And that’s about it.  Give it a go.



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